Yes you can be pleased that the US has the 1st Amendment. The real problem with the Scottish Hate Crime Act is the creation of the 'stirring up' offence.

For example, the Old Firm derby was held at the weekend. It is notorious, so notorious that only home fans can buy tickets. Thus the only place, Celtic fans will have heard the chants etc is on the television or the radio. (Rangers have a Protestant base, Celtics are Catholic --deep sectarian divide). Apparently a number of complaints where made to Police Scotland about the chanting. I agree the chanting is deeply disgusting but this law is not the way to solve the problem.

Police Scotland are already overstretched. They are going to have to cut some of the front line services (like solving burglaries, assaults etc) in order to handle this law. They have promised to 'investigate' every complaint. And it can be far easier to go after keyboard warriors (if you will) then kicking doors down to go after gang members -- the suspicion is that some police officers may want a soft option...

And part of the trouble is with the 'Non Crime Hate Incidents' being recorded (this may be changing -- it is already illegal in England and Wales following a court case). Having NCHI can affect whether or not you get a job as a teacher etc because of safeguarding and the bar for recording them is v vague and v low.

The Scottish public appears to be turning against the law and there is a petition to repeal it, but as things stand, yes actors and comedians are in danger of falling foul of it.

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You might enjoy this. Comedy Unleashed's response to the Hate Crime law.


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Yes, the only way is mockery and laughter. They were v brave to do that. I know Elaine Miller fully expected to be put in jail for her part in the performance. Thus far, she is fine.

The SNP minister Tom Arthur Jr whose father posted a vile anti-Semitic poster on FB has now condemned his father. The police said they would not investigate as a hate crime because the person complaining was not Jewish (eyeroll, that was not the test in law). https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/snp-minister-tom-arthur-condemns-father-over-antisemitic-post-c6dw6bljd or https://archive.is/gqe95

The number of complaints now total over 8k. They think there will be more 'hate crime' reported than common assault. Police Scotland have already said that they can't cope with 'real crime'.

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i was once listening to Dr Rangan Chatterjee's podcast. his guest was a US television sitcom star who was from India, married to an american actor and, as i said, staring in an american sitcom. AND she was complaining that there just weren't enough Indian sitcom stars on american television.

how many Caucasian Bollywood film stars are there? i wondered. but she and Dr Chatterjee didn't seem to question that. you can ask this of almost everything- how many Chinese films cast American actors? how many Japanese novelists write books where the main character is a white American person?

and yet, we don't accuse these people of racism. no one sitting through a Bollywood movie ever thinks "hey, there aren't any American white people in this film and that's a hate crime."

i watched that rant of Mr. Yousaf's. horrible! like Hillary Clinton calling anyone who didn't vote for her a "deplorable" in need of "reprogramming." he should go back to Pakistan where he won't be surrounded by so many terrible white people. maybe he'll be happy at last with his own kind. except that his accent will give him away as a "foreigner" and he'll probably be ostracized by the brown people he looks like, but doesn't sound like.

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