I'm sure that much of that was interesting, but halfway through I was too angry to continue reading. Illegitimi non carborundum and Am Yisrael Chai.

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I understand. I felt the same about 90 minutes into "Killers of the Flower Moon." It's hard to be in the presence of cruelty.

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I am so sorry to hear that you were assaulted. There is never any excuse for an assault and this one appears to have been a racially aggravated assault (in the UK, this increases any sentence significantly). I am sorry you did not report it as there may have been CCTV footage from the various shops nearby.

And yes it is a problem. There are many strands which have merged together in the Equitism movement. I was shocked when a climate change newsletter informed that they were actually a pro-Hamas organization and always had been. The umbrella activist groupings do need to be looked at. One of the big strands of Iranian influence has been the funding and encouragement of such groups. The Iranian general Soleimani was one of the main architects of the strategy.

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When you have any group massing and baying for the blood of any other group in a given society, law enforcement should act swiftly; throw the 20 loudest in jail and keep on, until the endorsers of murder get it and stop. Our leaders and law enforcement did not do this post October 7th. Who knew our civic leadership would be so hospitable to hate? But here we are. Attacking Jews, or those-we-have-a-hunch-are-Jews, just walking down the street? America? After the 20th century? We don't go out in public and shout for the batch-elimination of our fellow human beings. We don't do this in America; well, not so much before October7, 2023. This is not going to become a thing, an accepted, "O that's just the Palestinian protesters shutting down the freeway on Saturdays," thing. It will not; over my dead body. Where are our leaders? Stay strong, Jamie; God help us.

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RemovedJan 30
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Why would sensible people, Jewish and non-Jewish, bother with a nullity like Tim Wise? Any time anyone from a large global grouping (white black Arab Jewish) says or writes something wrong, people of the group - or outside the group - should mass and tell him he is wrong? Well, that happens in essays and critical reviews and in newspaper columns. You didn't know this? Have you considered that you might be a golem created by anti-Semites?

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